
Water Hyacinth Handycraft from Central Java

Resume Vucer 2004
Handicrafts Exports of Waste Water Hyacinth
Salatiga, Central Java

Water hyacinth was first discovered accidentally by a scientist named Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, a German botanist in 1824 while on an expedition in the Amazon River of Brazil. Water hyacinth has a high speed of growth so that plants are considered weeds that can damage aquatic environments. Hyacinth easily spread via water channels to other bodies of water. Living water hyacinth floating on the water and sometimes rooted in the soil. Height of about 0.4 to 0.8 meters. Has no stem. Single and oval-shaped leaves. The tip and tapered base, the base of the petiole bubble. Surface slippery and green leaves. Rates, including compound interest, grain-shaped, tubular petals. Seeds are round and black. The fruit boxes and bears three green. Its roots are at the root fibers.

Eceng hyacinth grows in shallow ponds, wetlands and swamps, and slow the flow of water, lake, river water and shelter. This plant can tolerate changes of extremely high water, fast water, and changes in nutrient availability, pH, temperature, and poisons the water. Rapid growth of mumps eceng mainly caused by water containing high nutrient, especially those rich in nitrogen, phosphate and potassium (FAO Report). Salt content can inhibit the growth of mumps eceng as with the lake on the coast of West Africa, where eceng mumps will increase throughout the rainy season and decreases when salt content increased in dry season.

Negative consequences caused water hyacinth, among others:
  • Increased evapotranspiration (evaporation and water loss through the leaves of plants), because the leaves are wide and well as fast growth.
  • The reduced amount of light entering into the waters, causing a decreased level of oxygen solubility in water (DO: Dissolved Oxygens).
  • Water hyacinth plants are already dead will come down to the bottom so as to accelerate the process of silting. Disrupt traffic transport) of water, especially for people whose lives still depend on rivers such as the interior of Borneo and some other areas.
  • Increased habitat for vectors of disease in humans. Lower the aesthetic value of aquatic environments.

Situation Analysis
Rawapening swamp ("Pening" from the "nodes") are the lake water as well as tourist attractions in the district of Semarang, Central Java. With an area of ​​2670 hectares it occupies the District of Ambarawa, Bawen, Tuntang, and Banyubiru. Rawa Pening (swamp) is located in the basin the lowest slopes of Mount Merbabu, Telomoyo Mountain, and Mount Ungaran. The lake is experiencing rapid silting. Never be a place for fishing, is now almost the entire surface is covered with water hyacinth marsh. Weeds are also already pening Tuntang River, especially upstream. Business address invasive species is done by performing cleaning and training in the utilization of water hyacinth in the craft, but the pressure is very high plant populations. Activity of which is done in a community service activity of 2004 DIKTI vucer is expected to bridge the problems of rapid growth of water hyacinth dirawa dizziness and creation of economic value on water hyacinth furniture industry, having the same waste water hyacinth is used to develop an organic liquid fertilizer. Activities Vucer "mono-year" is geared to assist industrial development in central kerjainan rawapening water hyacinth in commerce by developing and marketing instrument through inverntarisasi handicraft products (variants) and the manufacture of book catalogs and also build a digital catalog in cybermarketing.

Process and Crafts Furinture water hyacinth.
[1] Preparation of fiber rope from the water hyacinth (starting materials selection, drying up with the spinning of fibers into a rope water hyacinth) ..
[2] Making mabelar framework and handicrafts.
[3] Pengiisan fanel blocks on frame design craft.
[4] Finishing off with a finishing water hyacinth.
[5] Craft ready for export.

Common constraints in the industrial water hyacinth.
problems that often arise in this industry is the emergence of mold and moisture need to be solved with the completion of chemical technologies that meet the eligibility standards of the export good. However the till now there is no proven effective approach to chemical and provide solutions in this industry.

Trend Cycle Craft Products made ​​from waste (2010)
The life cycle of water hyacinth product demand began to fall, due to saturation and the advent beberpa psar constraints mentioned above, so beberpa importers from Europe to choose another material in the context of the need for a craft that has unique value. Materials used paper (kraft, cement and paper obsolete dirumbah a beautiful craft that has artistic value = recycle handicraft products) in the form of furniture and crafts become extremely popular today.

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